I came across this post from Ariel Biggs this morning on Facebook, and it’s a DOOZIE.
A young girl with a dream to become a racecar driver was unbelievably told by her school teacher that it wasn’t acceptable for girls to be racecar drivers.
Hi everyone! Do I have a story for you this morning! This was shared by a friend of mine on Facebook.
Racing is not like many other sports, the cockpit is open to anyone brave enough to take the seat.
One of our young quarter midget girls had an assignment from school to list a personal goal. She chose a goal that would improve her winter and summer racing. The teacher told this young girl it was unacceptable as girls are not race car drivers, and made her do the assignment again. This young girl went home in tears and told her family to sell her car and all her gear as girls didn’t race. This young girl is extremely shy and just got her dreams smashed. Luckily her family finally convinced her that they don’t need to sell her stuff.
So here is what I need you guys to do:
Please share this post and tag all your female drivers. Ask them if they would send a letter of encouragement and maybe a pic of themselves in their race suit with their cars. I would love this young girl to have a scrapbook with proof girls do indeed race.
I would also like you to tag any other oval track promoter or racing series director that you can. I would love nothing better than to see this go viral and hit every oval track, racing series and female driver in America.
Emma deserves to see that she can be anything she desires to be! No teacher has the right to take away a young girl’s passion for anything. This teacher should not even be anywhere near young children, but most especially girls.
Please send your words of encouragement and pictures to:
Rocky Mountain Raceways
Attn: Dan Breach
6555 W 2100 South
West Valley City, UT 84128
[email protected]
I know the oval racing family can give this young girl back her confidence so she will continue to race as long as she desires to do so! No human being should ever have to lose their dream just because of their gender!Posted by Ariel Biggs Racing on Sunday, January 24, 2016
This is where the power of the internet can be used for so much good. If you are a reader here, then you already know how many women and girls are successful in racing. If you are a reader here, then you already support women in motorsports or are one out there competing.
Let’s help this little girl out. Show her that one person’s outdated beliefs and narrow scope on the world is NOT by what she should judge her future and her dreams.
Horsepower & Heels supports you 100% on chasing your dreams, and we know that you can achieve everything you want through determination and hard work! Don’t let anyone tell you any different. There are thousands of strong, fast and successful girls out there doing just that, and waiting on you to join them!
-From one female racer to another,
Let’s leave her comments of support and help build her confidence!

I sent the link to a couple of the local TV stations. Hopefully they will do a story on Emma. 🙂
Always follow your dreams. NEVER let anyone stand in your way or tell you otherwise. You can be anything you want to be if you put your heart & soul into it. People are always going to talk about you whether your doing something you love or not. So do what makes you happy! I wish you the best of luck in your life! ; )
-Miss Turbo
One racer to the another 🙂
i think girls are better drivers and i appreciate this young girl and i believe in her the way i believe myself that how much i like cars and how much i like driving cars,there are so many examples like Maria Sharapova drives Porsche 911,there is Susie Wolf Race driver and there is one great example Kendhal Erb search her on facebook she is also one young girl whose father supported her and she is a Race driver at a very young age she is 13 years of age and she is a race driver,Kendhal erb and you inspires me to say girls drive better.
Hello Emma! My name is Angie Young and Drag race Motorcycles. I too have been told by so many that doing what I love is not for women my age. After winning the Kawasaki’s Zero to Hero in 2012…. I will never give up nor listen to the nay sayers and you should never ever babygirl. You can be and do anything you want in this world. TEAM SLICK-WICKED IS pulling for you and you have our support always! Good luck, keep your chin up and reach for the stars!!!!
Hi Emma! My name is Hannah! I raced a junior dragster from 4th grade up until almost 10th grade. Nobody gets in the way of my dreams and I hope its the same way for you! People think that I am weird for doing the things I love. Do I let that get in my way? Nope. And i hope that you laugh at the comment your teacher made to you. If you want to race, then girly you need to race! Don’t ever let anyone get in the way of your dreams! EVER!
To this day, I still race cars. I still love it! Also, to this day, nobody gets in my way! Nobody.
Hi, Emma!! My name is Veronica Bramlett and I have been drag racing since I was 15!! I still drag race at our local track and LOVE it! Don’t let anyone tell you that Girls can not do something, because we can do anything we put our minds too!! Keep up the great work with your dragster and you can do it!!
Hi Emma, racing is all I have know for the past 23 years. I read about your story and it makes me very sad. That someone took your joy for even a second is not right. You need to take what has happened to you and show all of the younger girls what you are made of. Take care and don’t ever let someone take your joy.
Bugs hugs,
Elaine Larsen
Jet Dragster Driver
Emma whatever you set your mind to you will go far and don’t let anyone tell you you can’t or shouldn’t race if that’s what’s in your heart then that’s what you do. I have a sister that races super pro drags, 24 year old daughter that rides dirt bike and also races 4 wheelers,and last but least I have a wonderful 11 year niece that races Jr. Dragster she’s been racing for 3 years. So you go girl and kick some butt.
Hi Emma, I am not a girl, but my driver is and she, like you, can be anything you work hard to be.
My team driver is Angelle Sampey. She is the winningest woman in motorsports. Our driver has 41 wins in National Championship races and 3 World Championships….racing against Boys…..on a motorcycle!!!!!!! You can do it…She is proof…Keep your dream alive and keep working hard!!!!
Follow your dreams. If you want to race, you do that. I’ve been racing since I was a little girl and I was told I shouldn’t be racing. Well you know what?! I was always one of the top racers in points, I just so happened to be a girl. Get at it and prove everyone that said you couldn’t wrong!!
Never give up Emma! There are plenty of women involved in cars behind the wheel and behind the motors. I’m building my racecar from the ground up myself, women can build race and design cars just as well as men.
Hi Emma,
I’m a flag marshal, scrutineer, pit marshal, radio show co-host, and motorsport writer. Every week I interview women in racing including drivers, promoters, race engineers, designers, mechanics, tuners, and crew members. You can do anything you want to in racing. A race car doesn’t care if you’re a guy or a girl. A race car only cares that you know how to drive it.
Get out there and drive. Don’t care what other people tell you. Those other people don’t know you, but you know what you want. Go get it girl!
Girls don’t race?
Never give up, if it’s something you want to do, I raced motocross in the early 70’s with the boys and they didn’t like me or wanted me to race with them, because I would’ beat them. Don’t give up on something, because a man said you can’t do it.
Ask your teacher and tell that to Courtney force or Elain Larson are many other famous women drivers.. such a silly thing to say.
I couldn’t be more proud of the way that the racing community (for the most part) has rallied around this little girl, not only here, but all over the web! Keep it up for Emma! Let her know the entire racing universe has her back!
I mailed her one of my hero cards.
I wrote to her to never let anyone stop her from doing what she loves to do !! ^_^ To go out and make her dreams come true !!
Lea “Dream Catcher” Martinez
Girls Torque response for Emma.
We will be sending Emma a package of support from Australia to show her how many girls are behind her continuing to race. After all, it’s what we are all about.
#GirlsCan #GirlRacer #GirlPower
Hi Emma,
Got sent this link by my male friends who late supportive of girls/women who race. Don’t ever let someone tell you can’t do something, only you can do that. Your still young and impressionable and sometimes people can say really mean things. It’s usually the guys you beat 😉 I like four wheels but my forte is on two. It doesn’t matter what you race its that you have the courage to challenge yourself. It is wonderful that your parents support your efforts. Never take for granted the people the help you. Learn to let negative comments slide off. You are stronger than you know.
Wendy Newton
aka “Helmets n’ Heels”
Hey Emma,
My name is Petey and I am a female motorcycle dragracer! I love racing and have won a championship! Girl power says do WHATEVER you want to do!! Don’t stop racing Emma, we girls need you to keep us in the game!! We will be there to cheer you on. RACING IS MY LIFE and I know you love it too. Don’t let your narrow minded teacher tell you, you can’t race…apparently she needs to learn a little more about what it means to be a teacher and not a teller! Love you EMMA!! http://www.peteyvee.com