Its easy to lose perspective when we get wrapped up in daily life.
Lately, I’ve been in the dumps about the state of my racing program and my extended sidelined status. I know that its been tough for a lot of folks with the current economic situation, and I should be working extra hard to make things happen. One step forward, two steps back it seems… its easy to start feeling sorry for yourself when you’ve experienced setback after setback.
Today I received an email through the websitewhich totally gave me a reality check and a swift kick in the backside. Talk about lighting a fire underneath me at a time I really need it most.
i am 12yrs old and i think youre great. about a month ago i had a tumor removed from my brain and now im going threw radiation treatments. i told my parents that if erica ortiz wouldnt ever give up, i wont give up either. thank you for all your inspiration! i was just wondering if i could get an autographed picture from you? if not, i will totally understand you are very busy. thanks again and take care of yourself. good bye.JEFF
Wow. Talk about putting things in perspective.
I could never be too busy to reach out to a boy as brave as Jeff, and it is HIM who is inspiring me to stop feeling defeated and keep fighting.
Thank you, Jeff, for inspiring ME to succeed! Your photo and a Horsepower & Heels t-shirt are on its way, I’d be honored for you to wear it!