So, as is my norm here lately, I had another whirlwind weekend in celebration of Memorial Day festivities. (I’m almost dizzy looking at my calendar anymore)

I didn’t get to celebrate long at the afterparty, because after that tiring day, it was up bright and early headed out to Indianapolis, IN. I had a few different reasons to be going to Indy, but one of them was to definitely catch part of the Indy 500 in person. I’ve never seen an Indy race live, especially not at the hallowed Brickyard, so I raced the 6 hours up there early Sunday morning to catch the race. (thank GOD for radar detectors…. and drafting… and fun travelers with the same idea in mind)

Of course, I learned after I made it about 1.75 miles of my hike that I’d hauled my camera with me for NOTHING, being that I had conveniently left my only CF card in the USB reader at work back in Huntsville. Grrrr….. I can be thoroughly brain-dead sometimes. But I did catch some of the *BIG* Meira crash, as it happened right in front of me. They took awhile to get him out, I had a sick feeling as they don’t make it a point to say anything about the driver’s condition over the PA. I thought I saw him moving on the stretcher, so that was a hopeful sign. Thankfully, he’s okay, just has some broken vertebrae and will have some therapy to go through for the rest of the season.

Danica Patrick again did really well, landing in the 3rd spot at the race end behind Helio and Wheaton. Helio had a huge lead, but I was secretly hoping for some last lap antics by Danica that would’ve moved her into 2nd. Sarah and Milka both finished the race, but out of the top 10. Oh well, next year for my girls!
Monday’s rainy trip home was far from fun, as I was thoroughly exhausted and had to fight some pretty crappy conditions. (Hello Mustang, time for some new tires!) I made it back into town around 8pm, snuggled up to my little chihuahua, and tried to unwind before heading back to the grind.
And it doesn’t appear that my schedule will be letting up any time soon! Next weekend: Evansville, IN for Derby. Following weekend: Knoxville, TN for derby, where I’m actually skating with the Knoxville team, who was short players. Week after? FLORIDA for fun, sun, family…. and oh yea, WORK too. Then possibly a bonzai run back to Bowling Green, KY for the nostalgia race. Yippeee-aye-ahhh!
Derby Photos: Angela Zaborny; Indy Photos: My crappy Blackberry.