Okay, this is about as RANDOM as random gets on my blog posts….
Last night, I had a dream that I was driving a nitro-burning flopper. No biggie, I have that dream pretty often. But this wasn’t just ANY dream. In my dream, I had a sudden realization. In a blaze of nitro-glory (ie: I was on fire through the lights), I realized something might not work for me in the future:
My long hair.
As long as I can remember, I’ve always had long hair. (minus that brief cut in 1st grade that wasn’t my idea, and left me emotionally scarred for life…. think mini-Fullet. LOL) Its always been at least shoulder length, but typically much longer.
Right now, its probably the longest its been in my life, almost 3/4 way down my back. I figure I might as well let it grow while I can still “get away” with pulling that look off.
But last night, my subconscious was telling me that I needed to look at something. Mainly, the fact that mile-long hair poking out of my helmet wasn’t going to work so well in a nitro flopper and would be promptly incincerated in my first nitro-blaze. Melanie, Ashley, Hillary…. all have relatively moderate lengthed hair. How would I tuck in 3 feet of the stuff under a helmet safely?
Oh the trauma! Long hair has been my staple, my identity, my whole LIFE! I’ve been jokingly nicknamed as the Pantene Girl. (wouldn’t they be a great sponsor?!? hint, hint!) Its one of my better features, I think.
The thought of cutting it off has Sampson effects on me! Will I lose my edge? My strength? Will I be rendered a disheveled wreck? WILL I BE PLAGUED WITH BAD HAIR DAYS?
Just another thing us women racers get to worry about over our male counterparts. LOL.
(Still waiting on an anatomically correct fire suit, and 300mph chip-proof nail polish.)

[…] The Secret is in the Hair — 6/10/08 […]