Horsepower & Heels™ Women in Racing Directory
A growing women in racing directory listing, created to build an interactive network to support and promote the ladies of motorsports.
Are you a Female Driver, Crew Member, Team Owner, Marketing/PR professional, Photographer, or hold any other job in the motorsports world? If so, we want to include you!
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>>Horsepower & Heels Women in Racing Database <<
Updated: 2/27/17
Robyn Abel (Asphalt Oval Driver)
Colene Allen (Race Official, Radio Show Host & Motorsport Writer)
Rhiannon Allison (Drag Racing Driver)
Tinzy Aronson (Drag Racing Crew)
Kayli Barker (Super Late Model Driver)
Morgan Bartley (Tractor Pulling Driver)
Tiana Berkeley (Dirt Track Driver)
Rachel Bichener (Motorsports PR/Writer)
Katie Bidner (Drag Racing Driver)
Reine Bourett (Drag Racing Driver)
Brandi Bradford (Drag Racing Driver)
Jackie Bressie (Drag Racing Driver)
Vicki Brian (Shifter Kart/Road Racing Driver)
Lisa Christin Brunner (Touring Car Racing Driver)
Tina Bucaro (Drag Racing Driver)
Georgina Buckley (Drag Racing Driver)
Melissa Bullen (Asphalt Stock Car Driver)
Bunny Burkett (Drag Racing Driver)
Ashley Butler (ATV MX Driver)
Lauren Butler (Asphalt Stock Car Driver)
Shannon Butler (Drag Racing Driver)
Crystal Buzinec (Asphalt Racing Driver)
Heather Capano (Drag Racing Manager/Driver)
Heather Carter (Drag Racing Driver)
Daisy Carter (Drag Racing Driver)
Amy Castell (Road Racing Driver)
Tracey Chambers (Late Model Asphalt Driver)
Tiffany Chittenden (Kart Racing Driver)
Jennifer Jo Cobb (NASCAR Driver)
Alex Coby (Karting Driver)
Priscilla Cogswell (Drag Racing Driver)
Aileen Collins-Love (Dirt Track Sprint Car Driver)
Bella Cosstick (Dirt Track Driver)
Ashley Crawford (Quad Cross/Dirt/Sand Driver)
Cindy Crawford (Drag Racing Driver)
Bridgett Davis (Drag Racing Driver)
Collete Davis (Rally Cross Driver)
Lydia Davis (Drag Racing Owner/Driver/Crew)
Wendi Day (Circle Track/NASCAR Driver)
Jeanette DesJardins (Drag Racing Owner)
Michelle Devilbiss (Drag Racing Crew Chief/Driver)
Jordin DeWald (Drag Racing Driver)
Madison Dormack (Desert/OffRoad Driver)
Milka Duno (NASCAR Driver)
Renee Dupuis (NASCAR Driver)
Diane Dyer (Drag Racing Driver)
Shelby Ebert (Drag Boat Racing Driver)
Lauren Edgerton (Asphault Modified Driver)
Sarah Edwards (Drag Racing Driver)
Renee Edwards-Ambrose (Drag Racing Driver)
Carly Jo Ellingson (Drag Racing Driver)
Donna Ellsworth (ATV Off Road Driver)
Erica Enders (Drag Racing Driver)
Wanda Exum (Drag Racing Driver)
Kelly Fedorowich (Drag Racing Owner)
Dani Ferrara (Road Racing Driver)
Ruthie Forbes (Motorsports Owner, Marketing/PR/Events)
Sarah Franklin (Circuit Racing Driver)
Shannon Friesen (AV Motocross Driver)
Michelle Furr (Drag Racing Driver)
Cassie Gannis (NASCAR Driver)
Casey Jo Garrett (Drag Racing Driver)
Audrey Gerbering (Dirt Outlaw Kart Driver)
Mali Greenfield (Drag Racing Driver)
Kirsten Groves (Drag Racing Driver)
McKenna Haase (Dirt Sprint Car Driver)
Cindee Hall (drag Racing Driver)
Jenna Haddock (Drag Racing Driver)
Erin Hamilton (Road Racing Magazine Principal, Team Owner)
Katie Hargitt (Pit Reporter, NBC Sports)
Ashleigh Hartwell (Media/Photography)
Molly Helmuth (Asphalt Super Late Model Racer)
Kimmie Hendricks (Road Racing Driver/Co-Owner)
Silvia Hoogstins (Drag Racing Driver)
Patti Hughes-Mayer (Road Course/Offroad Driver)
Irene Hvidkjaer (Support Events Technician)
Haley James (Drag Racing Driver)
Karen Johnson (Drag Racing Driver)
Janice Johnt (Drag Racing Driver)
Jodi-Ann Joseph (Drag Racing Crew)
Andy Kahle (Drag Racing Driver)
Jayne Kay (Drag Racing Driver)
Ashley Keller (Motorsports PR/Marketing Communications)
Ali Kern (Asphault Super & Pro Late Model Driver)
Aubre King (ATV MX Driver)
Gillian Kirkpatrick (Asphalt Oval Driver)
Kassidy Kreitz (Dirt Track Racing Driver)
Carolyn Kruger (Tarmac Circuit Driver)
Rachel Kullman (Road Racing Driver)
Kim Kussy (Motorsport Professional)
Tracey Larnard (Drag Racing Owner)
Mackenzie LaRue (Truck & Tractor Pulling Driver)
Carly Lavamaki (Desert Co-Driver/Navigator)
Cheryl Lawson (Drag Racing Driver)
Linda Law-Saunders (Super Stock Truck Pulling Driver)
Julia Little (Rally Track Marshall)
Carol Long (Drag Racing Driver)
Val Lovatt (Motorsports Photographer)
Yvonne Lucas (Drag Racing Driver)
Cindi Lux (Road Racing Driver)
Lea “DreamCat”Martinez (Drag Racing Driver)
Wendy Mathis (Pavement Sprint Car Driver)
Kristen Matlock (ATV Off Road Driver)
Kayla McClain-Salter (Drag Racing Driver)
Crystal Meyer (ATV Motocross Driver)
Shelley Molea (Drag Racing Crew)
Madelyn Mooney (Desert Off Road Co-Driver)
Kristen Milthaler (Stock Car Racing Driver)
Rachel Neve (Sprint Car Driver)
Erica Ortiz (Drag Racing Driver)
Jessica Ostrovskis (Circle Track Racing Driver)
Dina Parise (Drag Racing Driver)
Julie Pierce (Off Road Driver)
Susan Pollack (Motorsports PR/Marketing Communications)
Tami Powers (Drag Racing Business Executive)
Leah Pritchett (Drag Racing Driver)
Breanna Rachac (Drag Racing Driver)
Samira Rached (Track Driver)
Kimi Ratcliffe (Road Racing Driver)
Kate Re (Kart/Stock Car Driver)
Michelle Read (Motorsport Marketing/PR/Crew)
Elizabeth Rector (Dirt Track Crew)
Jen Reinschmidt (Drag Racing Driver)
Journee Richardson (Offroad Racing Driver)
Brittany Richert (ATV MX Driver)
Rochelle Robnett (Drag Racing Driver)
Irene Rodriguez (Drag Racing Driver)
Michaelyn Roelle (Drag Racing Driver)
Amy Ruman (Road Racing/Trans Am Driver)
Brianna Russell (Drag Racing Driver)
Hannah Sanders (Drag Racing Driver)
Ashley Sanford (Drag Racing Driver)
Faith Schuch (Stock Car Driver)
Amy Shelly (Drag Racing Driver)
Raschelle Sherwood (Motorcycle Road Racing Driver)
Marie Sly (Sprint Car/Open Wheel Marketing & PR)
Gabie Smith (Drag Racing Driver)
Natalie Sorak (Drag Racing Driver)
Brina Splingaire (Drag Racing Driver)
Tarra Springstroh (Asphalt Circle Track Driver)
Deanna Stevens (Drag Racing Driver)
Ashleigh Stewart (Karting Driver)
Cindy Stewart (Drag Racing Driver)
Madeline Stewart (Karting Driver)
Leoni Stiem (Rally Driver)
Kayla Strait (Desert Off Road Racing Driver)
Ashley Strickland (Drag Racing Driver)
Susan Stringer (Drag Racing Driver)
Tina Stull (Drag Racing Driver)
Chitra Subramanyam (Motorsports Writer)
Afton Swanson (Drag Racing Driver)
Kristin Swartzlander (Motorsports Marketing Consultant/Coach)
Chantel Taylor (Road/Circle Track Driver)
Sharon Thomas (Drag Racing Driver)
Valerie Thompson (Land Speed Owner/Driver)
Janette Thornley (Drag Racing Driver)
Cynthia Trifilio (Road Racing Driver)
Mary Trost (Drag Racing Driver)
Janice Tverberg (NASCAR PR/Marketing)
Mindy Tucker (Drag Racing Driver)
Melissa Urist (Drag Racing Driver/Crew)
Clare Vale (Drifting Driver)
Taylor Vetter (Drag Racing Driver)
Sierra Vulgamore (Dirt Track Driver)
Pamela Wade (Drag Racing Driver)
Brandi “Torq” Weaver (Drag Racing/Sportbike Driver)
Belinda Welch (Drag Racing Driver)
Christine White (Drag Racing Crew)
Harli White (Dirt Track Driver)
Tiffany Whitehead (Mud Drag Racing Driver)
Rachel Winter (Touring Cup Driver)
Rachel Yee (Drag Racing Driver)
Audrey Zavdosky (Road Racing Driver)
Hanna Zellers (Formula One Driver)
ZenEvo Racing (NASCAR Race Team)
Ute Zettlitzer (Sports Car Racing Official/Media)