Much ado about Danica….
Congrats to Danica Patrick for her accomplishments in Indy this past weekend. She has proven what I have tried to explain to so many potential marketing partnerships… Give us the opportunity, and we will outshine all else. Danica lived a dream this past weekend that so many others out there like her have yearned for… she proved that her talent paired with the support of a high caliber team can achieve what none others were capable of. She was not the first, Fischer and others had competed before her, but they did not have the benefit of ARGENT and late night talkshow host Letterman behind them. They needed someone who believed in them so that they were given the team it takes to win…
When was the last time a 4th place finisher was noted in the media, beyond the top ten results? Yet Danica graced newspaper covers and television highlights all weekend long. In fact, I do not even know the name of the man who won the race. His win was dwarfed by Danica’s accomplishments, as the entire world sat rivvetted to their televisions watching her battle for the finish. Countless people (myself included) who never watch the IRL tuned in to see the girl with the talent take a stab at the top. And now Danica (and importantly… Argent… hint, hint) are household names that brought a whole new crowd back to the Indy Racing Leagues.
Women in motorsports are such a unique marketing avenue… they appeal to the masses, and are one of the best yields on investments imaginable. Argent could now not put a price on the benefits that their support of Danica has yielded them…
My hope is that companies will now take notice of this and offer their support to other women. Maybe one day a company will see the benefits in supporting my efforts, and realize that my dedication to marketing their company will reward their investments three fold.
Anyone out there care to support THIS fast female???