As a woman in the racing world, or even a car enthusiast in general, you get your fair share of guys that want to “Show you how its done, sweetheart” on a regular basis. I could write a book on the amount of smug one-liners people would throw my way thinking they were all so funny.
“Hunny, do you know where the gas pedal is on that thang?”
“Careful, you might break a nail.”
“Why don’t you slide over and let a real man show you how its done. ”
After about the first hundred occurrences, you eventually just adopt the “If only you knew, stupid” face and suffer through the machismo. Ladies, you know the face I’m talking about.
The Face I Make When a Guy Offers to Show Me How Its Done…
But what if you could turn the tables? I saw this Speed Dating video online…. and was instantly jealous I never thought of it first.
Speed Dating – Stunt Driver Style
ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. I am still laughing at their reactions.
How fun would that have been? And I love how all of them were trying to remain calm. I wish that seat also measured their “pucker” factor as well, I’m sure it would’ve been off the chart.
Kinda reminds me of this one time…. my little street racing prank back in the day.
Silly boys. ::Shaking Head::